Saturday, August 1, 2009

In the life of the Carter's

So last night was just another night. Luke went to a graduation party for one of his employees and Hailee and I hung out at home. Last night we had a little accident Hailee and I were heading upstairs to bed and she was on the bottom step. I was carrying her pacifier and she turned around and she slipped and bonked her head on the corner of the banister. My poor baby! She had a nice little bruise in the middle of her head! I suppose I need to get use to the little bumps and bruises as she gets older and is more adventuress. It is wonderful watching Hailee grow. The things she is learning to do and how fast she learns them just blow my mind. She does patty cake, claps her hands, waves hi and bye, crawls up the stairs, climbs into her stroller, she is walking all over the place, and she's decided she is a big girl and will only eat on her own! It is unbelievable that she is 1yr and 1 month old. Where did the time go? I am so thankful that I can be home with her! I love being the one to teach her. Being a stay at home mom is a wonderful gift, but sometimes I wish I could get away some.With Luke working on godly hrs and with us not knowing many people out here it makes hard. I've been thinking of starting a part-time job. I'm still very cautious about putting her in a daycare or leaving her with someone, but I know someday I will have to. I am very protective of Hailee and like most new moms I worry about everything. I believe that Hailee is the greatest gift we have ever received. I thank God for her every night! Life is crazy on how one minute you really have no worries in the world and the next you are given this beautiful baby and you worry about everything. Children are truly a blessing and should be cherished every minute of the day! I know as the years go on I'm sure that will be tough to say (LOL), but I know deep down I will always feel that way. (haha a nice little rhyme) Luke and I are thinking about having another baby. We are in no hurry, but I would like them to be closer in age. It is hard to think that I could handle another little munchkin, but I think it would be another great adventure we are ready for. Wow that is more then I thought I would have! This blogging is kind of interesting and fun! I can't wait to write more....To everyone have a great day.....Until we blog again!!